From FOIwiki
Decision Summary
- Case Ref: FS50086060
- Date: 20 July 2006
- Public Authority: North Yorkshire Constabulary
- Summary: The complainant requested information related to police injury awards, which the public authority withheld under sections 21 and 40. The Commissioner has found that section 21 was applied correctly in that the information in question is indeed available elsewhere. However, section 40 has not been applied correctly in that the disclosure of the personal data in question would not contravene the data protection principles. The public authority is therefore required to disclose the information withheld under section 40 within 35 days of the date of this notice.
- View PDF of Decision Notice: [1]
- Section of Act / Finding: FOI 21 - Complaint Upheld - Find other matching decisions
- Section of Act / Finding: FOI 40 - Complaint Upheld - Find other matching decisions