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Decision Summary
- Case Ref: FS50234985
- Date: 4 November 2009
- Public Authority: Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre Hospitals NHS Trust
- Summary: The complainant made a series of requests to Blackpool, Fylde & Wyre Hospitals NHS Trust (‘the Trust’) relating to the death of his mother following a surgical procedure and his subsequent complaint about this matter. Owing to the resources that it felt it had expended on these issues, the Trust came to label the complainant as vexatious for the purposes of its own vexatious complaints policy. The complainant has since requested information about the implementation of this policy, which the Trust refused under section 14(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Whilst the Commissioner understands the sensitivity of the history of the request, he has found that section 14(1) does apply and has therefore not upheld the complaint. This decision notice is currently under appeal to the Information Tribunal.
- View PDF of Decision Notice: [1]
- Section of Act / Finding: FOI 14 - Complaint Not upheld - Find other matching decisions