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Decision Summary
- Case Ref: FS50204417
- Date: 5 October 2009
- Public Authority: London Borough of Bromley
- Summary: The complainant asked to be provided with the external legal advice provided to the London Borough of Bromley (“the Council”) relating to the evidence the Council said it held at a planning meeting in 2002 that Manor Park was a public highway. The Information Commissioner (“the Commissioner”) investigated and decided that the legal advice held was exempt under section 42(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“the FOIA”) and that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information. The Commissioner found breaches of section 17(3)(b) and 17(7) of the FOIA.
- View PDF of Decision Notice: [1]
- Section of Act / Finding: FOI 17 - Complaint Upheld - Find other matching decisions
- Section of Act / Finding: FOI 42 - Complaint Not upheld - Find other matching decisions