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Decision Summary

  • Case Ref: FS50088298
  • Date: 12 June 2007
  • Public Authority: Home Office
  • Summary: The Complainant requested copies of five project licence applications as detailed in the abstracts published on the Home Office web site. The Home Office refused to disclose the licences in full citing exemptions under sections 21 ‘Information accessible by other means’, 38 ‘Health and Safety’, 40 ‘Personal Information’, 41 ‘Information Provided in Confidence’, 43 ‘Commercial Interests’ and 44 ‘Prohibitions on disclosure’. The Commissioner investigated and found that section 44 had been correctly applied. As section 44 is an absolute exemption and applies to all the information covered by the complainants request the Commissioner has not investigated the application of the other exemptions. The Commissioner’s decision is that the information is exempt from disclosure and he requires no steps to be taken by the public authority. This decision notice is currently under appeal to the Information Tribunal.
  • View PDF of Decision Notice: [1]