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Decision Summary
- Case Ref: FS50077717
- Date: 21 March 2006
- Public Authority: Royal Berkshire Fire Authority
- Summary: The complainant requested the name of the insurance company and policy number for the cover provided under a particular section of the Fire Authority's personal accident scheme. The Fire Authority provided information which stated that AIG Europe (UK) Limited was the company providing the cover. However, the complainant had written separately to AIG and had been informed that it did not cover the policy. He therefore questioned the discrepancy between these two contrasting responses and asked the Commissioner to review whether all relevant information has been provided by the Authority in response to the second part of his request. The public authority told the Commissioner that this information was sourced from the Policy Schedule, which was held in a filing cabinet in the authority's Treasurer's Office, where information on the Authority's insurance policies is usually kept. However, the policy certificate, relating to the schedule, is displayed in the workplace as a statutory requirement. The authority has assured the Commissioner that there is no further information held in relation to the second part of the complainant's request, and the Commissioner is satisfied with this assurance.
- View PDF of Decision Notice: [1]
- Section of Act / Finding: FOI 1 - Complaint Not upheld - Find other matching decisions