Property:Legislation ID

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This property contains the type, year and number of a piece of legislation from the OPSI's URI scheme. It is of type string.

Showing 100 pages using this property.
ukla/Vict/56-57/44  +
uksi/1968/445  +
ukla/Eliz2/9-10/44  +
ukla/Vict/11-12/43  +
wsi/2011/659  +, uksi/2011/659  +
ukpga/2000/14  +
ukpga/2011/25  +
ukpga/2010/9  +
ukpga/2008/27  +
ukpga/1994/21  +
nisi/2005/1963  +, uksi/2005/1963  +
ukpga/2006/26  +
ukpga/2003/21  +
ukpga/2006/46  +