Property:Legislation ID

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This property contains the type, year and number of a piece of legislation from the OPSI's URI scheme. It is of type string.

Showing 100 pages using this property.
nisi/1998/1759  +, uksi/1998/1759  +
ukpga/1996/56  +
ukpga/2002/32  +
ukpga/2005/18  +
ukpga/2011/21  +
ukpga/1988/40  +
nisi/1986/594  +, uksi/1986/594  +
nisi/1993/2810  +, uksi/1993/2810  +
ukpga/1989/29  +
ukpga/2004/20  +
ukpga/2010/27  +
ukpga/2013/32  +
ukpga/1995/25  +
ukpga/2006/3  +
ukla/1959/40  +
nisi/1993/1252  +, uksi/1993/1252  +
ukpga/Geo6/10-11/41  +
nisi/2006/1254  +, uksi/2006/1254  +