From FOIwiki
Decision Summary
- Case Ref: FS50139983
- Date: 10 November 2009
- Public Authority: Office for Standards in Education
- Summary: The complainant requested information concerning the numbers of persons de-registered by Ofsted in relation to their work in early years childcare provision. The complainant also asked for information relating to Ofsted’s decisions in cases where persons have been disqualified from working in early years provision and for details of those cases where Ofsted has received an application to waive a disqualification. The Commissioner has determined that the requested information is the personal data of current and former childcare providers and to disclose this information would contravene the first data protection principle. The Commissioner therefore finds that Ofsted correctly applied section 40(2) of the Act. The Commissioner finds that Ofsted breached sections 1(1)(a), 1(1)(b) and 10(1) in relation to parts ‘a’ and ‘g’ of the request, and to have breached section 10(1) in relation to the request made on 29 June 2006.
- View PDF of Decision Notice: [1]
- Section of Act / Finding: FOI 10 - Complaint Upheld - Find other matching decisions
- Section of Act / Finding: FOI 40 - Complaint Not upheld - Find other matching decisions