From FOIwiki
Decision Summary
- Case Ref: FER0240911
- Date: 27 July 2009
- Public Authority: Stoke City Council
- Summary: The complainant made a request to inspect the building control and traffic schemes information within 200 metres of a named address. The Council refused to grant inspection of the information stating that as the information was available through the completion of a standard search form (CON29) and on payment of a fee based on the property search regulations, regulation 6(1)(b) removed the need to comply with regulation 5(1). The Commissioner has investigated and found that the request is a request to inspect environmental information but that the Council cannot use regulation 6(1)(b) to refuse the request to inspect the information. The Council must make the information available for inspection in accordance with regulation 5(1) within 35 calendar days of this notice.
- View PDF of Decision Notice: [1]
- Section of Act / Finding: EIR 5(1) - Complaint Upheld - Find other matching decisions