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Decision Summary

  • Case Ref: FS50256703
  • Date: 11 November 2009
  • Public Authority: Wolverhampton City Council
  • Summary: Having received a requested survey report on 6 February 2008 from Wolverhampton City Council (the Council), the complainant submitted a further request to the Council on 3 April 2009 for certain figures and test results associated to the survey report. A response to the request was not provided other than an acknowledgement of receipt dated 7 April 2009. The Commissioner found that to the extent that any information held would be environmental information the public authority has breached regulation 5(2) of the EIR by not providing a response within 20 working days. To the extent that this does not apply the Commissioner found that by not providing a response within 20 working days the Council breached section 1(1) of the Act. The Commissioner requires the public authority to either provide the information or issue a valid refusal notice that complies with regulation 14 of the EIR and/or section 1(1) of the Act within 35 days of the date of this notice.
  • View PDF of Decision Notice: [1]