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Decision Summary

  • Case Ref: FS50204620
  • Date: 15 February 2010
  • Public Authority: Sport England
  • Summary: The complainant made a number of information requests to Sport England on 4 March 2008 for information concerning Sport England’s dealings with Baseball Softball UK (BSUK) and its successor organisation. Some information was disclosed but other information was withheld on the basis of exemptions in sections 21, 40 and 41 of the Act. The Commissioner has investigated and found that while Sport England was correct to apply sections 21 and 41, he was not satisfied with the application of section 40 to two job contracts. The Commissioner has ordered Sport England to release the contracts, subject to a minor redaction. The Commissioner has also noted the difficulty of establishing the details of the handling of these requests because of gaps in Sport England’s record keeping.
  • View PDF of Decision Notice: [1]