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Decision Summary
- Case Ref: FS50122060
- Date: 26 March 2007
- Public Authority: National Audit Office
- Summary: The complainant requested information regarding the source of figures found within a report produced by the public authority entitled “Modernising Construction 2000 – 2001”. In response the public authority provided the complainant with a copy of a spreadsheet which it said was the source of these figures. The complainant did not accept that this spreadsheet was the true source of the figures. On considering the complaint the Commissioner is satisfied that the public authority disclosed all of the information it held that fell within the scope of the complainant’s request. Consequently the Commissioner does not require the public authority to take any further action. An appeal was made to the Information Tribunal, but the appeal was dismissed.
- View PDF of Decision Notice: [1]
- Section of Act / Finding: FOI 1 - Complaint Not upheld - Find other matching decisions