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Decision Summary
- Case Ref: FS50085454
- Date: 31 May 2006
- Public Authority: Worcestershire County Council
- Summary: The complainant requested various information about WCC's treatment of her mother. There is no evidence that the Complainant had any right to act on her mother's behalf, or that her mother has given consent for information about her care to be provided to the Complainant. The Complainant also asked for information about the complaint she had made to WCC about her mother's care. The Information Commissioner agreed that the bulk of the information could be withheld because it is the personal data of a third party and its release would breach the data protection principles. Some of the information is exempt from disclosure because it is the personal data of the complainant herself. This could be and was obtained by making a subject access request under section 7 of the Data Protection Act 1998. The Information Commissioner agreed with WCC's use of the exemption to withhold the information under section 40 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
- View PDF of Decision Notice: [1]
- Section of Act / Finding: FOI 1 - Complaint Not upheld - Find other matching decisions