Changes we would like made to FOI law

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See also: Changes we would like made to increase the transparency of public bodies in the UK

Time limits for internal reviews

At present there is no fixed time limit in law for carrying out internal reviews. The current time limit for responding to requests for information is twenty working days we suggest that the time limit for internal reviews is also set at twenty working days.

Time limits for public interest tests

At present there is no fixed time limit in law for carrying out public interest tests. This means that in practice a public authority must respond in full to an FOI request within twenty days except where a public interest test is being considered in which case there is no fixed time limit for responding to the request. [We would suggest that the public interest test be considered during the twenty days allocate for the request or perhaps an additional five working days.]

Add more public authorities

Public sector contracts

Alter the exemptions in s41 and s43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 so these cannot be used as a reason not to disclose public contracts. These exemptions relate to commercial interest and information provided in confidence.

There is a clear public interest in opening up public sector contracts to public scrutiny and so these should be released unless there is a really good reason not to provide them such as National Security.