List of organisations not subject to FOI by function

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An Appendix to this letter: Letter_to_say_more_organisations_should_be_covered_by_the_Act

get ideas from here: Organisations_and_officials_with_public_responsibilities_that_are_not_subject_to_the_Freedom_of_Information_Act

Communications, Media and Entertainment

British Board of Film Classification (BBFC)

The BBFC is an independent, non-governmental body, which has classifies cinema films and videos. (Video Recordings Act 1984).

Casino Advisory Panel

The ICO noted in its response to a Government consultation that it has received complaints about this body not being subject to the Act.[1]

Market Research Society (MRS)

"MRS supports best practice by setting and enforcing industry standards. The commitment to uphold the MRS Code of Conduct is supported by the Codeline service and a wide range of specialist guidelines."[30] "


Openreach is the division was created to "Ensure that all rival operators have equality of access to BT's own local network". The local network or "access network" is the wiring connecting customers to their local telephone exchange, starting at the Main Distribution Frame (MDF) in the exchange and ending at the network termination point (NTP) at the end user's premises. Wikipedia Article on Openreach

PhonepayPlus Limited

previously called ICSTIS[2]

"Under the Communications Act 2003, Ofcom has responsibility for the regulation of premium rate services. In December 2007 it was confirmed that PhonepayPlus will act as the agency which carries out the day-to-day regulation of the PRS market on Ofcom's behalf."[3]

Parliamentary corporations and pension schemes

Corporate Officer of the House of Commons

The corporate officer is a corporation sole.

Corporate Officer of the House of Lords

The corporate officer is a corporation sole.

Trustees of Parliamentary Contributory Pensions Fund


Trustees of House of Commons pension scheme



"Academies are all-ability, state-funded schools established and managed by sponsors from a wide range of backgrounds" (according to the DCSF)

Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)

Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA)



Capita Gas Registration and Ancillary Services Limited

"Gas Safe Register is run by Capita Gas Registration and Ancillary Services Limited"[14]

"Gas Safe Register is the official gas registration body for Great Britain (GB)..., appointed by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) for Great Britain..."[5]

National Grid plc

"National Grid owns the high-voltage electricity transmission network in England and Wales and operates the system across Great Britain. It also owns and operates the high pressure gas transmission system in Britain and its distribution business delivers gas to 11 million homes and businesses." [6]


Local Medical Committees

Statutory body representing GPs

Royal College of Physicians


Housing Associations

Housing Associations (also called Registered Social Landlords) are not subject to FOI (in theory one could be if it was wholly owned by a local authority).


publicly owned banks


  • Bradford & Bingley plc
  • Northern Rock plc

Law and order

Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO)

Transport and navigation

Navigation Authorities

A quarter of the UKs inland waterways are controlled by 30 navigation authorities drawn from the public, private and voluntary sectors. [7]

(The Environment Agency, the Broads Authority and British Waterways Board are subject to the act)

Network Rail

Port Authorities

Trinity House

The Corporation of Trinity House of Deptford Strond". The General Lighthouse Authority for England, Wales, the Channel Islands and Gibraltar. Also a Deep Sea Pilotage Authority providing expert navigators for ships trading in Northern European waters.

Royalty and Crown Land

Duchy of Cornwall

"Under the 1337 charter, and as confirmed by subsequent legislation, The Prince of Wales is not entitled to the proceeds or profit on the sale of assets, and only receives the annual income which they generate, which is voluntarily subject to income tax. Because of the importance of the beneficiary, the Duchy’s ‘trust provisions’ have, over the years, been set out in legislation, with the financial security of the Duchy overseen by HM Treasury." [8]

Duchy of Lancaster

"The Duchy's main purpose is to provide income for the Sovereign as Duke of Lancaster, although the Sovereign is not entitled to any of the capital assets of the Duchy. Established over 700 years ago, the Duchy of Lancaster is a body created under Charter."

The Royal Household

The Royal Household aims to provide exceptional support and advice to The Queen, enabling her to serve the nation and its people. The Royal Household employs over 1,200 staff.

UK National Standards Body (NSB)

British Standards Institution (BSI)

BSI is a private company with some public responsibilities:

"BSI British Standards is recognised as the UK National Standards Body (NSB) by the UK Government. The UK NSB role is performed by BSI British Standards on behalf of the UK Government and principally involves the representation of the UK in European and International standards fora."