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Decision Summary

  • Case Ref: FS50259954
  • Date: 16 December 2009
  • Public Authority: Olympic Delivery Authority
  • Summary: The complainant requested information concerning the top possible bonuses of the public authority’s Executive Management Board, their performance targets and how the bonuses paid related to them. He particularly wanted to be informed of the performance targets that had not been satisfied, if there were any such targets. The information about the actual bonuses paid was already declared to the public in the public authority’s accounts. The public authority provided the performance targets of one individual and informed the complainant that it believed that the remainder of the information was exempt by virtue of section 40(2). It upheld its position in its internal review. The Commissioner having considered the withheld information has decided to uphold the application of section 40(2) in this case. He requires no remedial steps to be taken. This decision notice is currently under appeal to the Information Tribunal.
  • View PDF of Decision Notice: [1]